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Объявление о переводе еще не переведенных статей и книг.

Сообщение Боа » 18 янв 2009, 18:43

Есть возможность непрофессионального перевода статей (книг).
Хотела узнать, есть ли спрос на перевод.
Есть какие-нибудь предложения? Что хочется видеть на русском языке?
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Сообщение Strix » 18 янв 2009, 19:41

много что.. например, Холта заказать на Амазоне и перевести... :grin:

например, хотелось бы узнать как дела у коллег из других стран. Например попереводить сообщество http://community.livejournal.com/homeschooling/ или http://community.livejournal.com/homeschool/ или http://community.livejournal.com/unschoolers/ ....
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Сообщение Боа » 18 янв 2009, 21:21

А есть Холт в электронном виде? И что из него конкретно?
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Сообщение Strix » 18 янв 2009, 22:34

в электронном, боюсь, нет. Они там очень к авторским правам неравнодушны. Надо покупать через их там Интернет-магазины печатную, сканить, распознавать и переводить.
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Сообщение Strix » 18 янв 2009, 22:44

можно еще вот эту статью из Википедии перевести:

John Caldwell Holt

John Caldwell Holt was an American author and educator, one of the best-known proponents of homeschooling, and a pioneer in youth rights theory.
Soon after his graduation from Yale University in 1943, Holt joined the Untied States Navy and served on board the USS Barbero, a submarine that fought in the Pacific Ocean. During the war he came to the conclusion that nuclear weapons were the world’s greatest danger, and only a world government could prevent nuclear war. After his three-year tour of duty, he got a job with the New York branch of the United World Federalists. Starting in the mailroom, he became the executive director of the New York branch within six years. However, he became frustrated with the group’s ineffectiveness, and he left the organization in 1952.
At the urging of his sister, Holt became a teacher. After several years of teaching in Colorado, he moved to Boston. It was here that he met Bill Hull, a fellow teacher, and they decided to start a classroom observation project: One would teach and the other would watch. The notes and journal entries Holt accumulated during his first eleven years of teaching formed the core of his two popular books, How Children Fail and How Children Learn, as well as his less-known and more radical work, Escape from Childhood: The Rights and Needs of Children. These three books detailed the foundational ideas of Holt’s philosophy of education. He held that the primary reason children did not learn in schools was fear: fear of getting the wrong answers, fear of being mocked by the teacher and classmates, fear of not being good enough. This was worsened, he maintained, by children being forced to study things that they were not necessarily interested in.
After many years of working within the school system, Holt became disillusioned with it. He became convinced that reform of the school system was not possible, because it was fundamentally flawed. Thus, he became an advocate of homeschooling. It was not helpful, however, to simply remove children from the school environment if parents simply re-created it at home. Holt believed that children did not need to be coerced into learning; they would do s naturally if given the freedom to follow their own interests and a rich assortment of resources. This line of thought became known as unschooling.
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Зарегистрирован: 04 дек 2008, 10:48

Сообщение Боа » 19 янв 2009, 07:09

Strix писал(а):можно еще вот эту статью из Википедии перевести:
А есть ссылка на полный вариант или это маленькая заметочка?
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Сообщение Strix » 19 янв 2009, 11:58

это все, что там было.
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Сообщение Боа » 19 янв 2009, 20:06

Strix, что еще есть для поглощения ума?
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Сообщение Strix » 19 янв 2009, 23:24

Например вот это:

Another Socialization Myth Debunked
From Lisa Cabello, for About.com
Filed In:Dealing with Socialization
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As homeschool parents, one of the issues that often comes up is that our children are deprived from joining the school sports team and thereby we, as their parents, are depriving our children from having fun, making friends and learning good sportsmanship. After all, many believe that group sports are good for children and another way for children to socialize. Well guess what? It's not true! Yup you heard me, it's NOT true!
According to Mass Youth Soccer Association (MYSA), research shows that children's top reasons for playing sports include having fun, learning skills, developing fitness and enjoying competition. SOCIALIZATION reasons are near the bottom of the list, while sportsmanship falls in the middle.

Brian Shulman, a former pro football player and owner of Learning Through Sports, explains that they have researched the reasons why 85% of kids or more have stopped playing sports by the age of 13. The number one reason that is given is that "Sports are just not any fun anymore."

What has caused this drastic downturn in children's sports? Shulman boils it down to four reasons.

Media coverage - too much focus on negative incidents
Society's focus on winning at all cost
Parental over-identification (in other words too much parent control and pushiness)
Lack of formalized sportsmanship education in the school system
Dr. John C. Flemming, a family physician and author, states about sportsmanship and parent over identification that: "Many parents live out their childhoods, personal aspirations, lost sports opportunities, and old defeats through their kids." He goes on to say that generally when "children lose a game they quickly forget, but it's the parents that drag the emotional baggage to the ball field and tend to take out years of frustration on other parents, the umpires and officials, the coaches and, most of all, their kids."
Dr. Flemming recommends that parents encourage physical activity by removing access to sedentary activities like television and to stop rewarding children with these type of activities. Instead, he suggests to play a game of tag in the backyard or in the backyard pool! Kudos for homeschooling families that have already gotten that message!

I know my son plays golf, bowls and bike rides! All fun and fit activities. Nope, we are not looking for the next Tiger Woods, just a game he can learn and take with him the rest of his life if he chooses to. My family is also part of the The President's Physical Activity and Fitness Challenge Awards Program. We get awards for being active! No tears or fears just good old fashion fun! After all, isn't that what it should be?

вот отсюда: http://homeschooling.about.com/od/socia ... almyth.htm
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Сообщение Strix » 19 янв 2009, 23:25

или вот это:

Homeschool Kids are "Socially Challenged"
From Jennie von Eggers, for About.com
Filed In:Dealing with Socialization
Sponsored Links
International Homeschool
Online American High School Diploma K-12 Math, English, Science,History

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Homeschoolers Are Failing This Quiz Are Your Answers Right? Find Out...
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I was recently in a checkout line and the clerk asked if my kids were home schooled. When I answered "yes", he responded as any caring citizen concerned about the social welfare of my children would, and asked, "aren't you worried about them not getting enough socialization?" The "socialization" question seems to be the old-standby, passive aggressive attack, by those outside spectators of the homeschool movement. How would my children be able to integrate into society, without first learning the valuable "social skills" that only a public school experience could provide? After all, the socialization part of a typical day-in-the-life of a home schooled child, looks nothing like the government school experience. Many homeschoolers spend their day doing things such as; helping out with family business', running errands, going on field trips, visiting relatives and friends, doing odd jobs for neighbors and partaking in family responsibilities. As the "socially challenged" homeschool kids are out and about, partaking and interacting in real life situations, the government students are "socializing" under a controlled environment, behind four walls with a controlled group of people (also known as their peer group). Yes, the sales clerk that offered his unsolicited opinion on my choice to homeschool, was right! My kids are "socially challenged" by not going to public school!
This "social" problem comes out in other areas as well. For instance, when a group of home schooled kids are playing together, it is typical to see older kids playing with children years younger. Don't they know that "social rules" dictate you only play with kids of your own age group? You also might find boys jump-roping along with girls! No one told these poor kids that jump-roping for boys is an open door to being labeled a "girly boy", a reputation that could follow you all the way through high school! And the way these homeschool girls dress is so out-of-style, and dare I say… modest. Where's the low cut pants and the revealing spaghetti string tops? Without learning how to focus on their (censored), how are these "fashion misfits" ever going to make it in the real world someday? They might have to rely only on their talents, skills and abilities to get by in this world, such a shame. Speaking of the "real world", did you know that a vast majority of these home schooled, social-misfits are sheltered from the mainstream media by their parents not having cable hookup? Without unlimited access to cable t.v. shows like MTV how will they know the pillars of our society like Brittney Spears, Paris Hilton or Snoop Dog? Without the influence of these pop culture icons, they will be totally in the dark to what society values in people...it's a crying shame!

So the next time some well meaning stranger decides to bring up the "socialization" question, my answer will simply be, "Yes, my children certainly are socially challenged and that's fine with me!"

Jennie von Eggers has authored several educational materials, such as Times Tales, Memory Tips and Zone Cleaning for Kids and is co-owner of Trigger Memory Systems, a publishing company that focusing on creative learning.

вот отсюда: http://homeschooling.about.com/od/socia ... llenge.htm
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Сообщение Strix » 19 янв 2009, 23:26

или вот это:

http://homeschooling.about.com/od/socia ... pencil.htm

Life is Not a Number 2 Pencil
From Lisa Cabello, for About.com
Filed In:Dealing with Socialization
Oh that S word!!! As in socialization! I not only home school (my husband is home so he actually takes over) but I am a pre-school teacher who also works with School Age children during the afternoon. Socialization in the public school system or at least positive socialization in the public school system is a myth. Just how in the world are children in public school system getting POSITIVE social skills? Let's look at the evidence. Today schools are filled with gangs, drugs, and anti-social behavior. Children who try to do good in school have to avoid those who are causing the problems. So right away there is a social gap! Bullying is also another huge problem in the school systems today, again contributing more to anti-social behavior. Does it get better in college? No! Hazings, drinking, drug abuse, and immorality (there's an out dated word) also contribute to anti-social behavior among students.
There is also the pressure in ALL schools to cram for tests. By the way, this begins in Kindergarten when children are tested for basic skills. Children in Kindergarten already have homework and so the cycle of pressure begins! By the time a child reaches first grade, they are being tested every eight weeks. According to a popular magazine, children are already burned out by third grade! The school system in the US does not care if your children are social beings. Their main concern is that YOUR child is pushing the number 2 pencil in the right circle and getting the right answerer. After all the future of YOUR child's school is in THEIR hands and the stakes are high! American schools are NOT the ideal place for socialization instead they are breeding grounds for anti-social behaviors and the proof is in the pudding!

Let's go back to the Columbine High School shooting. At that time, it was the worst in US History! Now it is the Virginia Tech College shooting! That shooting triggered copy cat threats across the US, including here where I live. Children were on lock down for various threats of bombs, shootings, and suspicious people lurking outside the schools. If this is what people are calling positive social interactions, then I say it is time for the people of this country to wake up!

Of course there is the argument that children need to learn how to deal with these situations such as shootings and threats of shootings and the public schools are the best places to learn these things. But again I beg to differ. Homeland Security, the Red Cross, and local governments all have web sights with information on how to prepare for emergencies. By the way, they also have information for what schools should do in case of an emergency. As one who is homeschooling, I personally take advantage of the information available from these various places. My son plays a huge part in organizing and planning what we would do in case of an emergency.

As to what we personally do for socialization, I believe social skills are first learned at home! Children are taught valuable lessons as to how the family works. What are the families values, interests, beliefs etc? How do families interact with one another? How are children treated? How we shape children helps them to become the adults of tomorrow! Of course as children become older, they become their own person. This is true whether they are homeschooled or not. But the environment a child is shaped in certainly plays an important role! I believe children should have freedom to learn without the negative distractions that are so prevalent in today's society! I also believe that children should be creative thinking individuals because LIFE IS NOT A NUMBER 2 PENCIL!

Lisa Cabello has been homeschooling her two children since 1998. Lisa's older daughter is now 21 and has successfully completed her homeschooling and is now taking college courses. in Art, Management and Interior Design. She works full-time as a teacher in a pre-school program.
Lisa's son is in the 6th grade and loves science, his science calculator, camping, Art, Star Wars, Lego's, golf, bowling, swimming and bike riding. Tristan is currently working on his President's Achievement Certificate for Physical Education.

Lisa graduated in 1982 from Quinsigamond CC with her AA in Art. Her major was Early Childhood Education. She graduated Phi Delta Kappa and was honored in the Who's Who's for American Jr Colleges. She is currently the Kindergarten teacher for a private childcare facility where she is working with the Emilia Reggio approach to learning. Lisa's hobbies include writing. Lisa has been several awards in poetry and has written a book of prose and poetry entitled Altered Edges.

Lisa's latest hobby is trying to garden in the Southwest where her garden is anything but usual. She is now going for the "desert look."
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Сообщение Боа » 22 янв 2009, 07:09

Забрала переводить.
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